Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Law School, eMail, and giggles... he-hee.

Oh Law School . . . you bring me such joy and misery.

Here's a little known fact:
I decided to attend THIS school because I wanted to stay in town and continue my relationship with my boyfriend.

I thought it was romantic, my mother thought it was retarded. However, she dare not challenge my decision. We have since broken up-- but fear not, after a year and a half I am happy with that outcome. More to come on that with time.

This brings me to my ultimate segue . . .

Oh.. my... GOD! Michelle Obama JUST called ME! Okay, okay-- An ad to support Barack [we're on a first name basis now].

Sorry, that wasn't the segue I had in mind . . . however my phone literally just rang.

Oh, where was I? Yes! YES! I know--my school. Oh, I loathe thee. From the crucifixes above each doorway, to the gravel I park my car upon as the sun rises in the early morning. Here is the latest and the greatest- an email. [yes, an email... an email.. a wa - wa - an email]

"Hello everyone,

Please watch your speed when driving on the law school’s campus. Just this semester the following animals have been killed. Thank you.

Gopher Turtle - 1
Squirrels - 4
Young Ferrell Cat - 1
Snakes - 3
Baby Raccoon - 1

Jane Doe, Esq.
Associate Dean for Student Affairs &
Associate Professor of Law"

Umm... yeah. I forwarded this to my Mom and a few friends. I received basically the same reaction all around, "Is this a joke?" -- No. This is my law school. We get weekly prayer requests and now an annual kill count. Hooray.

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