Saturday, October 25, 2008


::hulk smashes everything::

I don't understand . . . anything. Well, I guess that's not entirely accurate. Ugh.

I find myself on the sidelines watching things unfold and thinking "que carajo?!" and feeling my heart rate elevate exponentially... randomly.

For some reason these last couple of days I've been feeling really sensitive. Like, beware ... eggshell / thin-skull in terms of feelings. I'm not sure why. :-X [+ insert upside down face].

Additionally, the last couple of days have been a suck-fest and for the last couple of weeks I've been ridiculously sleepy. Things that were supposed to be fun turned into stressful overly dramatic situations that typically exist in fiction.

Enter worry and doubt.
I'm worried about the status of my upper level writing requirement paper ... this weekend I need to kick some Amendment 2 booty. Last night I had an epiphany; I have read so much about domestic partnerships and their rights that I now have NO DESIRE to everrrrrrrrrrr be domestically partnered.
Oh, joy of joys, additionally, my significant other is acting dissatisfied / unfulfilled by what I am offering him ... grr. That may not be real per se, or a proper representation of things . . . I refer you to the previous ^ ^ ^ eggshell/thin skull comment. I feel like he's oscillating and I'm a new toy he can play with when he's bored/lonely/has nothing better to do.

So-- I keep on retreating. What good does that do?

Good talk, thanks. Checks in the mail.

Monday, October 13, 2008


It's weird how many things are written about love.
I glance up from my screen and I spy with my little eye a couple walking hand in hand lovingly. Young, old, their love doesn't discriminate; it transcends generations. Whether it be the love of a parent for their child, a young blossoming romance, or a familiar elderly . . .

My butt fell asleep. Ouchies :(

But yeah. Love amazes me. There's more to say . . . but in time.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Law School, eMail, and giggles... he-hee.

Oh Law School . . . you bring me such joy and misery.

Here's a little known fact:
I decided to attend THIS school because I wanted to stay in town and continue my relationship with my boyfriend.

I thought it was romantic, my mother thought it was retarded. However, she dare not challenge my decision. We have since broken up-- but fear not, after a year and a half I am happy with that outcome. More to come on that with time.

This brings me to my ultimate segue . . .

Oh.. my... GOD! Michelle Obama JUST called ME! Okay, okay-- An ad to support Barack [we're on a first name basis now].

Sorry, that wasn't the segue I had in mind . . . however my phone literally just rang.

Oh, where was I? Yes! YES! I know--my school. Oh, I loathe thee. From the crucifixes above each doorway, to the gravel I park my car upon as the sun rises in the early morning. Here is the latest and the greatest- an email. [yes, an email... an email.. a wa - wa - an email]

"Hello everyone,

Please watch your speed when driving on the law school’s campus. Just this semester the following animals have been killed. Thank you.

Gopher Turtle - 1
Squirrels - 4
Young Ferrell Cat - 1
Snakes - 3
Baby Raccoon - 1

Jane Doe, Esq.
Associate Dean for Student Affairs &
Associate Professor of Law"

Umm... yeah. I forwarded this to my Mom and a few friends. I received basically the same reaction all around, "Is this a joke?" -- No. This is my law school. We get weekly prayer requests and now an annual kill count. Hooray.

First things first...

I should start off with... L'shana tova!

Next, words of caution:
- I overuse ellipsis dots [I kind of love them]
- I'm not much of a grammarian
- I've been told I can have a dark sense of humor
- I'm in law school . . . EEEEK
- I am a Judge TV junky [ask my DVR]
- I'm just a tad bit forgetful
::end transmission::

Oh! I'm not done yet. I plan on writing about school, life, random current events, etc. It's a New Year and I'm attempting new things.